Category: Blog


The Oxford Dictionary classifies “Faith” as a noun, as a complete trust or confidence in someone or something.  Specifically “Faith” is recognized as a strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. That’s how most/all of us view Faith. That’s why we can say we’ve

I Never Lose…Go Chiefs/49ers (I’m a Broncos fan, really don’t care)

Superbowl LI (51 because for some reason we Americans use Roman numerals for a bastardized version of rugby that we stole from our Imperilist Brittish past)…Anyway, Superbowl LI was February 5th in 2017. Pats won. Lady Gaga killed it at halftime. At the time it almost seemed insignificant…I didnt care for either team…I rooted for

New Year, New…

It is a New Year, and many have undoubtedly made “resolutions” for the upcoming year that the overwhelming majority will be broken by March. “New Year, New Me”…I cannot be the only person who cringes at these words, love the sentiment but… come on, really?.  The calendar is an arbitrary temporal marker as established by