Joe Is Awesome!

I promise it is not as self serving as the title insinuates.

It is December 1st, so everyone has one thing on their mind: Christmas…it is the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Cards, songs, movies, sermons…everywhere you turn this time of year seems to focus on the arrival of Christ. The very air seems to echo the Good News that God’s Son came to earth. Everyone will celebrate the miracle of Christ’s birth from the Virgin Mary. Cliche sayings like “wise men still seek him” will permeate the atmosphere and artistic renderings of Mary holding the infant Jesus will adorn cards, blankets, shirts and ties.

Yet, I’m not interested in telling that story. We have all heard how an Angel told Mary she was to have God’s child. We have read the tales of the Magi traveling far from the east. We know the carols and the scripture. Yet, when the Christmas lights dim, the mangers are put away, the trees line the streets and the wrapping papers turns to ash in a landfill…what remains?

Well, after the Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh…after the shepherds came to give their praise….after the star turned down the spotlight…what was left? That’s the real story of faith. When Christmas really was just a birthday party for a child… that’s what I want to talk about.

Mary was visited by an Angel of God…she’s just going about her day and an Angel of God appears to tell her that she is pregnant and just Who it was she was carrying in her womb. It was an affirmative message of knowledge for Mary. She knew she was a virgin, she was there when an Angel spoke to her. Her strength came from personal knowledge.

But…Joseph…his wife told him she was pregnant with the Son of God and he had a dream where an Angel visited him. Why didn’t God send the Angel to Joseph while he was awake? Why not give Joseph that same knowledge? I opine, for us. Mary walked with knowledge…Joseph walked with intention.

I have always found Joseph to be one of the more relatable people in the Bible (him and Nicodemus, but that’s a whole other discussion) because his story is one of faith. As a stepfather myself I can tell you that job is one of love and faith…and my stepdaughter’s father is most definitely not God (no offense). My wife is a phenomenal stepmother, or as our son calls her “a bonus mom”…and again neither me or my ex are anywhere close to being God. The doubt and apprehension that comes with being a parent is coupled with insecurity and fear when raising a child that isn’t yours. Now add in that child being the King of Kings, Prince of Peace, Son of God…talk about stress… that whole “you’re not my real Dad” thing really gets amped up.
As we move into the Christmas holiday I suggest we strive to have the faith of Joseph. A man who was of the world, a carpenter, a simple man. Matthew 1:19 says “Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.” Joseph, a man who had been shamed and embarrassed by the fact that his wife was pregnant…long before the boy he would raise would give a new commandment, Joseph lived by it. John 13:34 says “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Joseph loved Mary, and that love led him to Faith. Anybody can believe when a large winged and glowing figure appears and tells them what to believe. That is not faith, it is knowledge. It is a knowledge that is rewarded by faith, but, a knowledge all the same. Joseph loved and raised Jesus; he cared for the Messiah, he nurtured Him, taught and loved Our Lord and Savior. He did not have to accept and love Christ…in fact the law was fine with him casting Christ aside, but, Joseph, our unsung hero, is the disciple that sadly just doesn’t make it to the table. He chose to love Christ, long before water became wine, before storms were calmed, before bread and fish multiplied, before the deaf could hear and blind could see, before lepers were healed and the dead were raised. Joseph chose to love Jesus before His Spirit gave us the capacity for love that we know today
I don’t know about you but I have my doubts and fears, I question and I hide (or attempt to)…it is faith that silences these fears and doubts, not knowledge. Knowledge comes from the mind, Faith comes from the Spirit. Joseph had doubt, fear and apprehension…but he was filled with love.

Joseph welcomed Christ knowing it was not a popular choice. Joseph loved Jesus and accepted Him without the grace and knowledge that we all enjoy today. Joseph held Jesus and loved Him long before He washed away the sins of the world and brought salvation. Joseph’s love for Jesus was unselfish, genuine and true. That is what we should strive for this Christmas season.

I told my stepdaughter years ago that the Bible teaches us that guys named Joseph are the best Stepfathers in the history of the world…a sentiment that I humbly submit as literally “Gospel.”

Joseph chose to accept and love Jesus long before the gravity of such a choice was known. His faith was intentional and his love was pure. It is generally accepted that this time of year is one where the Spirit of Giving captures our hearts. God gave us Jesus for Christmas…but God is perfection and I can’t relate. Mary gave us Jesus for Christmas…but Mary had a personal knowledge for her obedience. Joseph gave us intentional love for Jesus for Christmas…now that is something I can do, and give to others. I cannot be perfect, I cannot give other knowledge, but I can intentionally love.

The simple truth is that Jesus was not Joseph’s, but Joseph was definitely Jesus’s…and THAT is relatable…remember that this Holiday Season?

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