
The Oxford Dictionary classifies “Faith” as a noun, as a complete trust or confidence in someone or something.  Specifically “Faith” is recognized as a strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

That’s how most/all of us view Faith. That’s why we can say we’ve lost faith or gained it…we view it as a noun, because that’s how we were conditioned.

Today, I listened to Bryce, from EveryHeart ministry telling us to “Go”…because”Faith Is An Action”… that statement though, well, my twisted non-neuro typical brain started firing on all cylinders because, well… that doesn’t sount right. Of course I first checked the Latin root of the word, still a noun.  Converting the nature of “Faith” from thing to action is no simple task. Yet, as dogs barked, cars drove by, kids yelled, music blasted and Bryce remained unyielding in his preaching…well…he acted. Like so many others he understands that Faith is an Action.

Because, like Jacques Derrida, Bryce doesn’t care about the nature of the word, he lives in the action of The Word. He wasn’t reading from the Oxford, or the watered down Webster…his point of reference sounded like the ESV or NLT translation of the Holy Bible. Even there, not a direct quote. He, like so many others extrapolated meaning from text to give us a powerful lesson.

A year ago today I approved the cover art for my book, and from there…well…a lot. I have been invited to speak at over a dozen churches, did several podcasts and have spoke at a few colleges…all about evangelism not being an activity but rather a state of being.

“Faith Is An Action” doesn’t mean you change the nature of the word, it mean you change your nature to the meaning. OK…what I mean is that “Faith Is An Action” is an invitation to live by faith.  We have faith in such shallow things.  Politicians lie, yet, so many put their faith in them. You’re reading this right now because you put your faith in wifi, your cellular carrier, your phone, your tablet, etc. Don’t get me started on money, we have faith that the governemt puts value in cotton woven paper…sheer madness.

We live lives of faith regularly, why then when we put our faith in Christ is it suddenly scoffed. Well, the answer is simple, because when you truly put your faith in Him…it changes you, actively, people see it, you walk it out, you challenge norms and save souls… you…take…action.

“Faith Is An Action” is not a statement absent knowledge of the nature of the word…it is a statement that shows a deeper understanding of the word, through The Word. Not by definition, but by experience.

There’s a Country Song (calm down you don’t have to click the link if you hate Country music, although if you do hate Country music and you’re marrying a Texan you should really prepare yourself…looking at you Dina) that shifts the idea of “love” and I think that we should similarly shift our concept of faith.

In the NIV “faith” is mentioned approximately 270 times.

Matthew 6:30
Matthew 8:6-9
Matthew 15:22-28

My personal favorite, Matthew 17:20…and that’s just a small selection, of just Matthew.

Isaiah 42:16 outlines the difference between belief and faith. It shows that faith comes after the test. So, take the test. Pray boldly, confess your transgressions, ask questions, faithing is important. I’m not known as soft and cuddly…I am known as a Christian, I do not hide my faith, I always used to describe it as a part of me…and meant that proudly. Yet, if Faith Is An Action…it is not part of me…it must be what I make a conscious choice to do. Faith is not an appendage…it is the action of using my appendages to lift others up. Relationships all take work… the relationship with God requires faith, that’s the action.

Faith is not something we have. It is what we should be doing…helping your neighbors, forgiving those who’ve wronged you, spreading the good news, praising God and living a life worthy of His sacrifice is how we faith.

So, linguists cringe because as archaic as it may be to use “faith” as a transitive verb…

Have you faithed today?
Go faith right now.
It is important that we faith regularly.
I plan on faithing a lot more.

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