The Other Brother

The story of the Prodigal Son is very well known. That kid who squandered, was selfish and was arguably dismissive of the love given to him. His father never gave up on him and welcomed him with open arms, a feast, jewelry, robes, etc…but… there was the other brother.

That brother who went to college, bought a house, raised kids, started a career, went to law school, didn’t do heroin and yet felt as if he was the unappreciated one…OK…I may be projecting a little…lol.

For years I was that other brother, and it created a rift between my brother Jason and I. I’ll never not be sorry for that, and I thank Christ that He was the brother to Jason I failed to be. It has been seven years since The Father embraced him, and seven years since my parents have been able to. The truth is that losing my brother revived my faith. I always had faith but it got awakened when I lost my brother.

Recently I’ve seen a lot of posts from my fellow Chistians about “revival”…I’ve seen them be cautionary, I’ve seen them be judgmental, I’ve seen them be excited, I’ve seen them be welcoming…I haven’t seen many of them be aware. I’m no preacher…but I’m self aware enough to know that I have been “The Other Brother”… truth is all of us have been and we need to recognize that in order to really experience revival.

Revival is defined as “an improvement in the condition or strength of something.” Biblically, the Greek translation would be “awakening.” That’s why the story of the Prodigal resonates…its not about finding a relationship with God, it is not about discovering faith…it is about Resurrecting it.

You have that relationship.

You have always had that relationship; maybe…just maybe it is time to awaken it…and if it is then yes be cloaked in the robes, adorned with the jewelry and welcomed with a feast…it should be celebrated.

Tent worship is not revival…speaking in tongues is not revival…mass healings is not revival…mass healings can happen at revivals…tongues may be spoken at revivals…revivals may happen in tent worship. Revival is a very personal experience that is experienced on a mass scale.

The best description for revival was written approximately 700 years before Christ was even born…see Isaiah 43:19

Seven years ago today my brother left this earth, and I’m still filled with anger, hurt and regret…but those feelings are shrouded in an indescribable peace because while I may have been The Other Brother, God IS The Father…and the glory of that is immeasurable.

The loss my parents feel daily. The void my family feels even in times of pure joy. These things are real and ever present.

I know this was long winded…but I guess my point is this: if your brother is being embraced…focus on his return, celebrate it… and wait to embrace him yourself because you never know if that will be your last chance to do so.

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